Sucedio entre dos parpados (It happened between two eyelids) -Juan Manuel Castro Prieto

CHF 45.00

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Ediciones Anómalas


As the title indicates, this book is positioned in a liminal space (“It happened between two eyelids”). According to the text by Antonio Ansón, the eyelids serve to close the eyes, and what photographer Juan Manuel Castro Prieto does is close the eyes in order to see. Because the gaze is not a physiological function but a cultural one. We do not see with our eyes; rather, we construct reality, because the world is nothing more than an interpretation. To see this place you do not need eyesight; you need vision. Located on this side of the eyelids, Castro Prieto offers his particular vision of things. Published to accompany an exhibition at the Huete Photography Museum in central Spain.

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Ediciones Anómalas